It was too good to be true. Right? After living with Mary for months without a job or money, everything looked bleak for the narrator. Returning to the college definitely wasn't an option nor was returning to his own family. Then out of nowhere, the narrator carried out a rousing speech that would catch the attention of Brother Jack. He offered the narrator a good chunk of money to be the spokesperson for his organization, which the narrator took of course. After finding out that the narrator was given an opportunity with the Brotherhood, I was elated. He has been through so much after being kicked out of his own college, backstabbed by Bledsoe, and left to rot in New York. It was finally his time to revive himself. In addition, the position offered by the Brotherhood didn't sound too bad. The narrator would be able to use his greatest strength, which is the ability to give speeches, and he'll finally have a voice. I thought it was the perfect situation for the narrator...