Where to start with Macon Detornay? He’s not like any other heroic character we have seen, like Jack, Grant, and Odysseus. He tends to veer off from the heroic path and more into an “angry black white boy” role. He always sees himself as this leader who can do no wrong and addresses others as if they are incompetent. To me, I think Macon is a bad leader and a hypocrite. While he criticizes other people, he never takes a moment to reflect on himself and how he can be better. This is a harsh assessment on Macon but let me explain. A vital component of being a leader is the ability to communicate. It helps your followers to underst and your vision and carry it out. In contrast, Macon doesn’t exhibit that same ability. Neither his followers nor his friends have an understanding of “Maconism”. There’s one particular scene on the day of the Apology where Macon left the crowd and his friends to fend for themselves. A school teacher from Iowa comes to Nique and says,”’ I want you to know, fr...